Best Class Based Gym in Ireland

by Aug 7, 2018

Best Class Based Gym in Ireland

by Aug 7, 2018Inspirational

So, it’s taken me weeks to sit and write this blog!!!!!

Due to losing a family member life has been a little how should I put…. All over the place …literally

So, I’m now Sitting on an aeroplane because it’s my only downtime and I am going to try put into words what it has meant for me to have won an award for best class based gym 2018 with the Irish fitness industry awards ….

I mean I’m not even 2 years open and my business has taken an amazing turn

A couple of months ago there was a link shared on Facebook for The Irish Fitness Industry Awards 2018 I remember local gym sharing it, so I thought to myself “sure why not“ I mean it’s not like Id have a chance of even coming close to winning something like this not with the amount of amazing fitness professionals in Ireland!

I’m one girl hidden away in an industrial estate in Ashbourne!

So, I shared it on my private page I have for members of SDF just to put it out there and everyone said they voted, sure I hadn’t a clue when or what was going to happen!

Weeks went by and I saw something posted by the IFIA ( Irish fitness industry awards ) stating a closing date for votes so I sent the link in a mail to family and friends and shared it on my Facebook page feeling a bit foolish sharing it to be honest, I’m the kind of girl that’s quite happy to stay in my box hidden away and helping people who come to me I don’t like attention and as confident I am in my profession I didn’t feel comfortable asking for votes so I left it at that and carried on forgetting all about it after week or two.

I remember the evening I was working in the middle of a class and got a DM on Instagram from IFIA notifying me that I was now a finalist for best class-based gym ….

I went white and went straight over to the Deirdre Delany a long-time client of mine (Queen Dee) and showed her the mail, I couldn’t believe it, I mean a finalist ….I was in shock , I can’t explain how I felt but I can assure you it was a feeling of self-achievement and proudness and fear that I’d never felt, not even when opening up SDF…

So I waited on the email from the IFIA, it was a good few weeks before I heard so my marketing team Anndan Media where working on the promotional side of thing just letting people know I was a finalist, I mean this alone was a massive achievement in itself!

The information came about the awards night and that’s when I started to panic. I mean people that know me and if you have read my previous blogs you’ll know I’m quite uncomfortable when I’m around other fitness professionals simply because of how were supposed to look and act and again social media destroys most of our confidence and gives us these little insecurities when it comes to body image

People expect us to be in amazing shape blah blah blah … me I’m quite average.

Anyway …. tickets were booked for the awards night and the amazing Nikki Kavanagh Bridal dressed me in this most amazing gown.

I also had the pleasure of the company of my marketing team and friends from Anndan Media John, Irene, Annie and Stephen and of course my amazing friend and fellow trainer Dara Foley to support me.

I received so many well wishes and support from the public and fellow trainers that were also nominated, some actually in the same category as me, this completely blew me away! The fitness industry can be somewhat nasty and competitive, but I’ve never experienced the support I got from people in the industry and especially from two gyms that were nominated also, DD Fitness and Primal X Fitness … These lads were amazing, and I can’t thank them enough, I was a nervous wreck and I’d get a little mail of reassurance from them every now and then both amazing gyms and the work they do Is outstanding I’v followed both lads for a very long time and they are inspirational ….

Award Night ….

All I can say is that I’ve never been as nervous and as doubtful in my life but it was a privilege to walk into a packed out room in the crown plaza hotel filled with glamorous ladies and men in full black tie, the atmosphere was amazing! I was welcomed by people I had never met who through social media had liked or commented on each other’s post so to meet these people in the flesh was amazing ..

Category after category finalists were called and chatted to the beautiful Síle Seoige as they collected their award.

Then it was my category …… Here we go …. we were all a nervous wreck Annie from Anndan Media was filled with tears I was sitting the palms of my hands sweating and my heart thumping!!

Stephen was live on my phone for Facebook

Nominations were been called, there was 9 gyms in my category and then all heard was



Numb……. Numb and shell shocked

All I remember was Dara hitting me and saying quick get up get up, everyone was clapping my team was screaming, Annie crying I was just numb can’t even say excited I felt nothing at all ….

I trembled walking up, lump in my throat holding back tears I honestly just wanted to ball my eyes out, not knowing what to do or what to say I was not expecting to win that I had a 1/9 chance of course but no way was I expecting that!

And that was a blur …. I don’t remember the questions Síle Seoige asked me but I do remember one thing I said and that I wouldn’t be standing where I was only for my family and my amazing clients and every day since I started on my journey that the fitness professionals that I was honoured to stand in this room with has inspired me to progress to where I am today.

The best part of that night was hearing my family were all at home watching the live feed and screaming the place down crying with happiness when I won ……

But My 2 beautiful boys Josh and Reece …there words “ma we told you that you were going to win “

Everything I do, I do for them ,they know how hard I work and they support me in everything I do. Being a single parent and running a business is far from easy but I wouldn’t change anything, they see what their mam does and they never doubted me for a minute no matter what I’m a winner to them , they amaze me and I love them both so much.

My mam, dad, brothers, cousins, aunties, uncles and friends the support I got from everyone was mind-blowing.

The night went on to celebrate …. With 3 bottles of prosecco (I died for a week)

Not long following the award I lost my cousin Danial tragically.

Our family was turned upside down which is why I haven’t written about my experience with this amazing achievement.

Now sitting on a long flight to Orlando I’m getting to reflect and focus on the future of SDF after winning the Best Class-Based Gym in Ireland 2018.

It was just over 2 years ago in April 2016 exactly, that I sat on a flight coming home from Orlando planning on opening SDF which all happened July 2016.

I bought a book in Atlanta airport and jotted down my business plans ….

What an amazing journey I have been on I’ve never been as thankful for the amazing people that has become a part of my journey in life, you all bring out the best in me and for that I’m forever grateful.

If you would like to see how far I have come in two years starting from nothing, you should read my first blog on my website My Personal journey to changing my life through fitness……

I’m amazed at how far I’ve come and pretty damn proud of how I got to where I am and it’s all thanks to you my wonderful clients, family and friends.

It’s just going to get better and I’m looking forward to a bright future holding the title of best class-based gym 2018…

Even saying that is just WOW

Sharon x



If your ready to change your life for the better and be the best version you can be , Please don't hesitate to get in touch and I promise I'll help you get to where you want to be.

+353 (87) 948 1981


Unit 11, Ashbourne Industrial Estate, Ashbourne, Meath


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